The best product showcasing with iNav you can create simple and amazing items navigation menu.

iNav — jQuery plugin

iNav it’s a jQuery plugin that let you create an amazing animated Menu (even with multiple menus) or Items Showcasing. Inspired by Apple products navigation, iNav can introduce in your website a very powerful javascript navigation! In order to work properly, iNav requires at least jQuery 1.4 or higher.


2 in 1

jQuery iNav it’s an animated menu items showcasing, but it’s also a Carousel.


You can set a interval and your carousel will auto-scroll to show always all your items!


You can choose a theme from the starter kit or create your own easily


You can set a interval and your carousel will auto-scroll to show always all your items!

Infinity scrolling

Available as an optional parameter, you can choose if rewind the carousel when the latest item was reached.

You have the control

jQuery iNav have more than 20 options and 10 callbacks that you can use to have the control of the plugin!

Extremly configurable

You can configure every class name used by jQuery iNav.


jQuery iNav include support for all major browser: IE7+, Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.


Install jQuery iNav it’s simple, but if you need support you can always email me, or use the Codecanyon product page.


Not familiar with CSS ?
This is not a problem! From version 2.0 iNav include a set of themes that you can use with your project just including the CSS file!!!

Changeloglatest version: 2.0 - 2012/05/23

The version 2.0 it’s a major release, and include new features, bug fixes and some improvements:

* Carousel autoslide ( with timer )
* Easy setup
* Lots of callbacks
* Cleanup of code
* Added support for iNav Themes
* Infinity scrolling
* Less code for initial setup
* Public methods: hide arrows and pause auto-scroll

